At the core of my being lies an inexhaustible well of creativity, infusing vitality into every creative pursuit.
Take a captivating stroll through the chapters of my journey over the past decade, where this imaginative force has shaped and colored my diverse array of creative endeavors.
UX is dynamic, and staying updated on the latest technologies, design trends, and user preferences is essential for my growth.
I embrace an iterative design process that involves continuous testing, feedback, and refinement to enhance the user experience.
I strive to understand and empathize with users' perspectives, challenges, and emotions to create designs that resonate.
I started my undergraduate degree in Marketing at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
I spent the majority of the 2 years exploring my creativity, having taken a wide range of courses spanning psychology, archaeology, and economics.
After completing my undergrad at Simon Fraser University, I spent the next few years working in the digital marketing agency. I worked in Gastown, Downtown Vancouver, and White Rock.
I built up my skillset from writing to digital marketing and design through a combination of in-house work and associates courses at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
2 years into my undergrad, I transferred to Simon Fraser University. I soon transitioned out of the Marketing breadth and into Communication.
I realized that my goals and interests aligned more with writing and critical thinking, rather than data and microeconomics.
Earlier this year, I made the decision to enrol in a part-time UX Design bootcamp at BrainStation. I would soon learn that it was the best decision I made because it opened the doors to a brand new career.